Here’s another post about an afternoon in East London. If that’s starting to sound drab, worry not, as I am about to get on a place to SHANGHAI to visit my brother who lives there. So watch out for lots of colourful posts to come.
What’s perhaps more exciting than what we did that afternoon in East London (strolled along the canal, had a drink outside at Proud East), is that I documented it with a 24-70mm f.2.8L ii lens that I rented. If you don’t know what that means, it means it’s a machine of a camera lens. I rented various lenses and watched every possible YouTube video on the topic, for weeks. And last week, I finally made my decision to go for it. I got that lens because it’s the best and because I’ve been loving photography for over 12 years and have never invested in a truly greatย lens because they’re darn expensive. **Shiny shiny** lens arrived today and boy can’t I wait to get cracking and shooting with it.